(prof. Marco Ricotti)
“The Italian companies are ready to take up the challenge, strengthened
by their experience, competence, initiative and commitment.
This brochure offers a flavor of capabilities and quality of the Italian
nuclear job.“
“Nuclear Industry and Italy: a quite unexpected story! Foreign people, but also most of the
(ing. Roberto Adinolfi, Ansaldo Nucleare – President)
Italians, think that a country which abandoned nuclear generation almost 40 years ago
has little to say in terms of industrial capacity in such a sector. Nevertheless, if you dig a
little bit more into the subject you find some surprises
Therefore, as of today when Europe is on the path to launch several nuclear programs at the
same time and has then to face the issue of an adequate Supply Chain, the Italian industry
can and wants to provide a qualified contribution to the success of these programs.“
Download the brochure HERE
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